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Paul. Christian. Loves God. Cherishes friendship. Enjoys being single. Plays Dota. Collects Gundams.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mexican Night Outreach!!

Evangelism....one of my favorite topics and something I am still trying to improve.
Evangelism. The main Vision of Hope Brisbane Christian Church.(Fulfill the Great Commission)

And thus, J4 (The cell/Life group I'm in), having reaching out and evangelizing in mind, threw a party themed Mexican Night. I personally found it a very interesting and different way to reach out and touch lives for Christ. There was very little mention of Christianity, the main purpose was to build a solid friendship by going out of the way for them, and then only hit them with the message of the gospel of Christ.

Coming from a Methodist Church (I miss you all!) and a CF from SMKSU(I miss you all also!), I was tempted to share about Christ and Bible-bash them but decided to try this strategy which was new to me.

Praise and Thank the Lord that it went very well. Turn was was pretty good and there were no big problems. Had fun getting to know different people of different races that come from different country. Of course, I found it easier to connect to none other than, Malaysians! So nice to share so many topics in common.
Great time getting to know each other

I don't seem to remember the names.....

Cell Leaders Jason and Kelvin
The food. Well, the left overs. They ate so fast I could not take a picture in time
Danu and Nicole. Danu is from Msia! He lives in SS 14

Kelvin and his sister Rachel
I too invited two people from BBC. Alex from South Africa and David.
This Picture says I'm short!
Andrei from South Africa. He is so famous he has a fan
Flora on registration.
I salute her for not eating the whole night.
Amazing example of commitment.

Ready for games.

Started off with a name-calling game
We played one name game and two action game
It was hilarious

All in all it was a terrific night of out reach. I am learning a lot about touching souls for Christ. Can't wait for the follow up next week. A day trip to Sunshine Coast

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